After helping last week with Peyton's Tikki Pool Party I thought it would be fun to show you some other cute flip flop party ideas. It is such a fun theme and perfect for a summer party. My favorites are the totes and the personalized towels { i love favors that are useful }. I also adore the grass skirt around the base of the cupcake display, Kim from
The Celebration Shoppe is one creative girl!
Invite { partylicious etsy } Flip Flop Tote { jgrimes1 etsy } Tablescape { Treasures and Tiara's }
Nutter Butter flip flop cookies { a little loveliness }
Printable Water Bottle labels { partylicious etsy }
Flip flop cake { Betty Crocker }

Personalized beach towel { PerryWinklesEmb etsy }
Printable luau party accessories { The Celebration Shoppe }
the flip flop nutterbutters are my favorite!