Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tea for Ava

This is a story that brought tears to my eyes and made me want to grab my babies and not let go. It is tragic and unforgettable. My heart aches for Ava's family. Read the story, buy an invitation, and have tea for Ava. We will!

Details, details - Beauty Full Collection: "Ava Rosemeyer was three and a half years old when she found her way into her parents car, the door closing behind her. Her home adjoined the property of her grandparents house, and it was natural for the children to wander, play, explore, between the two houses. While on her way home from next door, Ava, ever-curious and in search of something missing, climbed into the car, parked in the driveway. Meanwhile, both Ava's Grandpa and her Mum, Sheye, thought she was safe and well with the other, as was so often the case. It was a summer’s day in Queensland, and Ava was unable to find a way out of the car. She was discovered a short while later and rushed to hospital. Tragically, Ava passed away on the 5th February, 2007, two days after her accident"

{ From Details, details! }

Ava's family holds a special tea party around Aug. 22 to remember their little princess. They would like people from around the world to take time out in August to be glad, give thanks, and to cherish our loved ones.

You can purchase an invite for $10 to be e mailed to you and you can then print out as many as you wish. 100 % of the proceeds are being donated to Paradise Kids.

Find out more:

Ava's Tea Party

Sheye Rosemeyer Blog

Details, details!

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